Other Interests

Keeping things in perspective: Before you think computers can solve the world’s problems, think again. This article “The Poet and the Computer” by Norman Cousins is from the UCLA magazine, and is posted here with permission of the editors.

Recovering from RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) I have nearly recovered from a severe repetitive strain injury which had left me disabled in the spring of 1996. The purpose of this section will be to educate others in prevention, treatment, and adaptation. One thing to remember: computers don’t injure you, you injure yourself in the course of operation.

  • Prevention
    • Risk factors: being a(n) (in)tense perfectionist
    • Ergonomics: stretching and breaks
  • Treatment
    • cognitive/behavioral approaches to rehabilitation
      • relaxation ‘exercises’
      • Dr. John Sarno
    • physical therapy: Suparna Damany
  • Adaptation
    • computerized speech and handwriting recognition
    • hardware and software — the story behind the Sony LX-900 series (the only desktop tablet computers ever made)
    • lighten your load (carry papers more compactly)
    • JAN — Job Accommodation Network. They take calls and have specialized consultants who can advise on all areas of legal, ergonomic, technical advice. Their website is a tremendous resource. 

Classical Education Originally, there were seven liberal arts, divided into two sections.

  • Quadrivium
    • Music
    • Astronomy
    • Geometry
    • Arithmetic
  • Trivium
    • Logic
    • Rhetoric
    • Grammar