Conferences & Workshops

July 13, 2018The Nineteenth International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity in Oxford, UK
Traversal-invariant elementary definability and logarithmic-space computation (with Scott Weinstein)
Abstract; Talk
April 1-2, 2017AMS Special Session on Computability and Inductive Definability over Structures, as part of the Spring Central Sectional Meeting at Indiana University in BloomingtonTraversal-invariant elementary definability for logarithmic-space computation (with Scott Weinstein)
Abstract; Talk
July 10, 2016Fourth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science, in affiliation with LICS 2016 at Columbia University, NYA logical characterization of (input) strictly local functions (with Jane Chandlee)
September 20, 2013HIGHLIGHTS of Logic, Games and Automata 2013
Paris, France

Paris, France
Presentation-invariant definability
ABSTRACT: We extend the notion of invariant elementary definability to a variety of different graph representations, including those that strictly extend the power of first-order logic with an arbitrary linear order.
October 26, 2012AALAC/Mellon 23 Working Group on Information at Bryn Mawr College
Co-Sponsored by the NSF Center for Science of Information

Information: basic definitions
May 14, 2012Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory 2012
École de Physique des Houches

Infinitary methods in finite model theory
March 30, 2012Logical Approaches to Barriers in Complexity II
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Infinitary methods in finite model theory
Handout; Notes